12062020 [hope]

In the midst of this turmoil

I have hope.

I have hope for my country

I have hope for our world.

It seems so many look at us as

“us” and “them”

Blacks or Whites or Latinos or Asians or Natives

Democrats or Socialists or Facists or Republicans or Communists

Anti-abortion or anti-mask or anti-vax or anti-life or anit-wall or anti-police or anti-religion or anti-something-but-I’m-not-sure-what –

and yet

I have hope.

I have hope because

I have seen people choose love over hate

I have seen people become kind again

I have seen people become compassionate again

I have seen people choose others again.

I have hope because

I have seen the goodness that stillness brings

I have seen the richness that slowness and intentionality produces

I have seen the waters flowing steadily because I have


To listen, to drink, to seek

and to be found once again.

Yes, in the midst of all this pain,

I sit with you in loss and suffering

I sit with you in grief and uncertainty

I sit with you in quarantine and transition.

But I’m also here to tell you, this isn’t over.

It’s been a hard year, but you’re stronger.

It’s been a lonely year, but you’re loved and you belong.

It’s been a scary year, but you’re fearless.

It’s been a divisive year, but you bring unity.

It’s been a year of the unknown, but you are faithful.

You are brave.

You are good.

You are peace.

You are strength.

You are hope.

You are where Heaven touches earth.

You can do this. We can do this.

So let’s

Let’s keep waking up

Stepping up

Showing up.

Because everyone could use just a bit more of what you have inside of you.

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